

The Economy of the Jalna district is based on Agriculture and Agrio-ndustries, as the 85 % of the geographical area is under agricultural use. Out of the total 7,61,200 Hectares of the geographical area, 6,51,553 Hectare of land is under agricultural use.


About 75 % area is under Kharif crops, which about 40 % of land are under Rabbi crops. The Jawar, Wheat, are the major cereals grown in the district. The area under cotton is also very entensinc. The area under double crops is just 15 % while area under irrigation is only 7.8% which is far below the state average.

The current irrigation potential in the district is 66,097 hectares, while the area under well irrigation is about 35,000 hectares. The development plan has envisaged irrigation potentials up to 1,18,000 hectares, and even well irrigation can also be increased at least to a double of the present utilization. Thus it is possible to bring about 1,83,000 hectares of land under well irrigation with this the area under well irrigation would be 30 % of the total cultivable land.