
District Women and children Development Officer Office

WCD, Jalna

Address : -​ District Women and children Development Officer Office , administrative Building , floor Floor Collector Office , Jalna

Objectives : -​ Women And For children Having Legal Implementation and awareness Awareness To do , as well Miscellaneous Plan Through the medium Needy Women And For children Their Whole Capable Development To be For this Institutional And Legal Help To do Theirs Inclusion It happens. Office  Internal​ Miscellaneous Plan

  1. Mission vatsalya
  2. Child Justice Board :- (1) The Board shall consist of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of First Class having at least three years’ experience to be designated as the Principal Magistrate of the Board and two socialworker members, of whom one shall be a woman, forming a Bench.(2) The two social worker members shall be appointed by the State Government onthe recommendations of the Selection Committee constituted under these rules
  3. Child Welfare Committee :- (1) There shall be one or more Committees in each district to be constituted by the State Government by a notification in the Official Gazette under section 27 of the said Act.

(2) The Chairperson and members of the Committee shall be appointed by the State Government on the recommendation of the Selection Committee under rule 90 of these rules.


  1. District Child Protection Unit : –

(i) maintain report of quarterly information sent by the Board about children in conflict

with law produced before the Board and the quarterly report sent by the Committee;

(ii) arrange for individual or group counselling and community service for children;

(iii) provide support to the Board or Committees for social investigation report, other

enquiries and follow up reports of the children, and support in implementation of

orders issued by the Board and Committees;

(iv) conduct follow up of the individual care plan prepared on the direction of the

Children’s Court for children in the age group of sixteen to eighteen years found to

be in conflict with law for committing heinous offence;

(v) conduct review of the child placed in the place of safety every year and forward the report to the Children’s Court;

(vi) maintain a list of persons who can be engaged as monitoring authorities and send the list of such persons to the Children’s Court along with bi-annual updates;

(vii) maintain record of run- away children from Child Care Institutions;

(viii) identify families at risk and children in need of care and protection;

  1. SARA/CARA (Adoption ):- The State Government shall set up a State Adoption Resource Agency for dealing with adoptions and related matters in the State under the guidance of Authority, as per the provisions of section 67 of the Act.

The existing State Adoption Resource Agencies shall be deemed to be set up under the Act.

  1. Foster Care : – (1) The State Government may place children in need of care and protection in foster care including group foster care through order of the Committee for a short or extended period of time.

(2) The District Child Protection Unit shall be the nodal authority for implementing the foster care programme in a district.

  1. Sponsorship Scheme :
  2. The sponsorship programme shall be implemented by the District Child Protection Unit which shall provide a panel of persons or families or organisations interested in sponsoring a child.

2.The panel will list sponsors according to the area of interest such as education, medical support, nutrition, vocational training etc., and the nature of sponsorship.

  1. Child Help Line 1098:- CHILDLINE 1098 is a phone number that spells hope for millions of children across India. It is a 24-hour a day, 365 days a year, free, emergency phone service for children in need of aid and assistance. We not only respond to the emergency needs of children but also link them to relevant services for their long-term care and rehabilitation. We have, till date, connected to three million children across the nation offering them care and protection.
  2. Children Home/ Observation Home –

Children Home for Child need care and protection for below 18 age child  and observation home for child conflict with low for below 18 age child

  1. Orphan Certificate – Children who have lost their parents before the age of 18 are given an orphan certificate.
  2. Mission Shakti
  3. One Stop Centre : – The scheme of OSC is being implemented since 1st April, 2015 to 10 provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violenceandin distress, both in private and public spaces under one roof and facilitate immediate, emergency and nonemergency access to a range of services including medical, legal, temporary shelter, police assistance, psychological and counselling support to fight against any forms of violence against women.
  4. Women Empowerment Center :- Hub for Empowerment of Women aims to facilitate inter-sectoral convergence of schemes and programs meant for women both at the central (NHEW), State/ UT level (SHEW) and district level (DHEW) with the mandate to create an environment in which women realize their full potential. The support under the HEW would be for guiding, linking and handholding women to various institutional and schematic set ups for their empowerment and development including equal access to healthcare, quality education, career and vocational counselling/ training, financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, backward and forward linkages, health and safety for workers, social security and digital literacy at districts/ Blocks/ Gram Panchayats level across the country
  5. Women Help Center 181 : – The Women Helpline provides toll-free 24-hours telecom service to women seeking support and information by connecting them with Emergency Response Support System (ERSS) for all emergency services like police/ fire/ Ambulance services and with One Stop Centres.
  6. Sakhi Niwas or Working Women Hostel :- will provide a safe and secure place for the working women away from their native place/ homes with all functional facilities like accommodation, food, day-care facility for their children, wherever possible, in urban, semi-urban, or even rural areas where employment opportunities for women exist on nominal cost basis.
  7. Government Women State House : – This organization is functioning under the Immoral Traffic (Prevention)] Act, 1956 Women in the age group of 18 to 65 are enrolled in the said institution.
  8. Krantijyoti Savitribai Fule Bal Sangopan Yojna : – 2250/- per month for the education of single parent children under the scheme.
  9. Mukhyamantri Maji Ladki Bahin Yojna : – Under the scheme, women between the ages of 21 to 60 with an annual income of 250000/- are given financial assistance of 1500/- per month.
  10. Shubha Mangal Samuhik Vivah Yojna : – 25000/- per beneficiary to the mother of the bride through community/registered marriage scheme for the marriage of girl belonging to farmer/agricultural laborer family belonging to Open and OBC category.
  11. Prison / Released / Probationary His/her Rehabilitation For Plans :​ – 25000/- per beneficiary for business subsidy to freed prisoners for their rehabilitation.
  12. Counseling Center : – Counseling centers for children and women are functioning in the premises of four police stations in the district.


Services Rights (RTS)

Sr. No. Service name Time limit Designated Officer First Appellate Officer Second Appellate Officer
1 Recommendation of NGOs to Central Government for Establishment of Working Women’s Hostel 75 District Women And Child Development Officer Deputy Commissioner, WCD Join Commissioner, WCD Commissionerate , Pune
2 Center Government Job Those who do For women For hostels Under the scheme Non-governmental Organization Recommendations Regarding 75 District Women and Child Development Officer Deputy Commissioner , WCD . With Commissioner , WCD
3 Recommendation of NGOs to Central Government for Establishment of Working Womens Hostel 75 District Women And Child Development Officer Deputy Commissioner, WCD Join Commissioner, WCD Commissionerate , Pune

Information Rights Section 4(1) (b )( sixteen )

District Women and children Development Officer Jalna Designated To do Arrived State Government Assistant Information Officer / Govt Information Officer and Appellate Authority Theirs Information Demonstrative Prospectus

A.No. Office Center Government Informational Rights Act , 2005 As per Act 2(2). Designated Made Government Assistant People Information Officer’s  Designation , Address and Telephone Number Center Government Informational Rights Act , 2005 As per Section 2(1).  Designated Made Government People Information Officer’s Designation , Address and Telephone Number Center Government Informational Rights Act , 2005 Section 19 Govt Appellate Authority His/her Designation , Address and Telephone Number
1 District Women and children Development Officer Office  Jalna District Probation Officer District Women and children Development Officer Honorable Departmental Deputy Commissioner Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar Women and children Development Department